Intergenerational Program Database

Generations United collects and shares information on intergenerational programs across the United States. We currently have a program in every state with over 800 programs in the database. You can search programs below by keywords or state.

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  1. Intergenerational Programs & Spaces FRIEDA Community
    FRIEDA (2014) and FRIEDA Community (501c3, 2020) share the same mission, to bring together people of all ages and from diverse backgrounds, with a curated program of activities and events focused on food, art and culture.
    • FRIEDA Community
    • 320 Walnut Street Suite 702 , Philadelphia, PA, 19106
    • David Wong
    • (445) 444-1895
    • david[at]
  2. Intergenerational Programs & Spaces The Grandparents Storylab
    We are an intergenerational project which seeks to connect our youngest and oldest generations. We want to address the invisibility and loneliness many elders experience while also building the communication skills of children. All the while fostering community building, empathy, understanding, knowledge transfer and wonder in both generations. The Grandparents Story Lab initially runs a series of workshops to equip kids with interview and audio storytelling skills. Kids then interview elders, and we produce the interviews into sound rich radio stories and podcasts. Children then reimagine the stories they have been listening to by creating art to illustrate them. Where do our stories go? In addition to being published on our website and podcast stream, The Grandparents StoryLab works closely with a variety of public and community radio programs to re-broadcast our content and cast the stories further. So far, two of our stories have been broadcast on NPR, a network of stations, which reach 28.5 million weekly listeners.
    • The Grandparents Storylab
    • , , ,
  3. Hope Therapeutic Services
    Hope Therapeutic Services is offering mental health therapy sessions to older adults 60+ through our Hope Cares program. Services provided as follows: In-home mental health therapy session to older adults residing in Essex County NJ with limited mobility or homebound. Virtual mental health therapy sessions to older adults living anywhere in NJ. In office sessions in our Montclair location. Caregiver Support Group (Virtual) *******We accept some Medicare plans, most private health insurances, private pay. *******We have immediate openings, no waitlist. Call today!
    • Hope Cares
    • 206 Bellevue Ave Suite 2F, Montclair, NJ,
    • (862) 505-9191
    • info[at]
  4. Intergenerational Programs & Spaces Florida Intergenerational Orchestra of America
    Fostering: Role Modeling, Character Building, Responsibility, Self Esteem, Confidence, Maturity, Team Spirit, Feeling of Accomplishment, Appreciation of the Arts, Desire to Learn and Improve, relating to and interacting with other Generations and more. "It's a wonderful sight to see people of all ages playing together simply for the love of music." Our Mission: To bridge the generation gap with music and musical performance. Our unique environment encourages, nurtures and promotes closer relationships between the generations We are “Successful Aging Through Music”
    • Florida Intergenerational Orchestra of America
    • 12313 Rockledge Circle , Boca Raton, FL, 33428
    • Lorraine Marks
    • (561) 922-3134
    • strings4all[at]
  5. Clarissa Street Legacy
    Clarissa Uprooted is a combined effort by the Clarissa Street Legacy Committee and Youth History Ambassadors from Teen Empowerment to uplift the memories of Rochester NY’s oldest Black community. This collaboration has created documentaries, recorded oral histories, built intergenerational relationships, and an exhibit currently housed in the Rundel Memorial Building in Rochester. Though physically demolished due to racist policies and urban renewal in the 1960s, The memory of Clarissa Street stays alive in memories and artifacts and continues to teach us how we can unify Black communities and build a more equitable future.
    • Clarissa Uprooted
    • 115 South Ave South Ave , Rochester, NY, 14604
    • Renee Dexter-Long
    • info[at]
  6. Montessori Intergenerational Learning Communities
    An innovative, intergenerational response to the critical workforce needs in the Early Childhood Field and to the unprecedented departure of older Americans from the workforce. Our program recruits, trains and deploys older adults to serve in the Early Childhood Field in the state of Colorado.
    • Early Childhood Service Corps
    • , Denver, CO,
    • Lisa Armao
    • lisa[at]
  7. Intergenerational Play Collective
    By creating accessible, welcoming spaces, we facilitate organic intergenerational community-building between young children (age 0 to 5+), their caregivers, and older adults who come from across the city, with an emphasis on engaging participants from the Mission and surrounding neighborhoods. Sessions take place on Saturdays 3-4:30 pm; each led by a facilitator who is a teaching artist/musician. All activities are designed to foster interaction and social connections between participants of all ages, opening up a playful space to get messy, experiment, learn from each other’s techniques, and share the pleasure of creating art and music together.
    • Intergenerational Play Collective
    • Mission Art Center 745 Treat Ave , San Francisco, CA, 94110
    • Sandy Chang
    • intergenplay[at]
  8. Hope & A Future
    We are building an intergenerational neighborhood where young and old help each other flourish. In our first phase we bought land and opened a group home where staff and their children have the option to live onsite in exchange for helping with some evening hours. Young and old share life and meals around a family table. We provide care for frail seniors and work with hospice to provide end of life care. Karin Krause RN lives on-site. We are ready to take our neighborhood to the next level! We are now working to get a building permit to add 55+ housing, workforce housing, child and adult daycare and add onto our beautiful indoor and outdoor intergenerational contact zones! We are in the midst of a $4 million capital campaign to help build our $10 million project. Our activities engage the surrounding community with potlucks and house concerts, candy hunts for kids, crafts, music, exercise, gardening and hospitality are a big part of our culture. We are also involved with the UW Madison, doing semester long projects with students who are learning the joy of intergenerational exchange! Please learn more and contact us at or visit in Madison WI
    • TIIN (Therapeutic Interactive Intergenerational Neighborhood
    • 1115 S High Point Rd , Madison, WI, 53719
    • Karin Krause
    • (608) 831-0243
    • TIIN[at]
  9. Butler County Dept. on Aging
    The AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparents program stands as a beacon of community engagement, bridging generations to make a lasting impact on the lives of children in Butler, Cowley, Harvey, Marion, and Reno counties. This initiative brings together senior volunteers aged 55 and older with children in various community settings, fostering meaningful relationships that contribute to the children's academic and emotional development. Volunteers in this program receive not only the intrinsic rewards of making a positive impact but also practical benefits that make their service more accessible. A stipend acknowledges the invaluable time and dedication seniors invest in supporting local youth, providing financial recognition for their contributions. The program further addresses logistical concerns by offering mileage reimbursement, ensuring that volunteers can reach their assigned locations without financial strain. Additionally, meal reimbursement enhances the overall volunteer experience, acknowledging the importance of sustaining one's well-being during service. By combining the joy of intergenerational connections with tangible benefits such as stipends, mileage reimbursement, and meal support, the AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparents program not only enriches the lives of children but also empowers seniors to actively participate in building stronger, more connected communities.
    • AmeriCorps Senior Foster Grandparents Program
    • 2101 Dearborn, Suite 302 , Augusta, KS, 67010
    • Liz Pfeifer Program Manager RSVP/FGP
    • 316-115-0500
    • EPfeifer[at]
  10. Start Now MD
    Will be a documentary about 2 musicians (one a legend) who develop a deep, sweet, and meaningful inter-generational (38/89) brought about through a common bond, music. Currently working on a “sizzle reel” to show prospective interested parties. I am a physician specialized in brain injury, stroke, spinal injuries. I want to introduce the topic of music and the brain without taking away from the main thrust of this sweet story.
    • Mario & Norm
    • 2030 Oak Glen Trail , Stillwater, MN, 55082
    • Tom Kraemer, MD
    • 651) 343-1247
    • tomk[at]
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