The Intergenerational Center Resources

The following are resources developed by The Intergenerational Center at Temple University.

Publication Connecting Generations, Strengthening Communities: A Toolkit for Intergenerational Program Planners
This toolkit is the premiere resource for intergenerational program planners. It draws from the 30+ years of experience of The Intergenerational Center at Temple University in designing, implementing, evaluating and teaching about intergenerational programs.
Publication Time Out Program Manual
This manual is designed to help colleges and universities develop the Time Out program providing opportunities for engaging young people in meaningful activities that reduce the isolation of frail older adults and support caregiving families, as well as contribute to their own personal and professional development.
Publication Intergenerational Approaches to Building Healthy Communities
This monograph outlines a set of intergenerational strategies and strategies that can enhance many of the important efforts currently underway to improve our nation’s health.
Publication Intergenerational Community Building: Lessons Learned
This report, designed for national and local leaders, service providers, and policy makers, describes strategies, challenges, outcomes, and lessons learned from a multi-site national initiative that helps organizations and individuals break away from age-specific silos, create shared visions, engage in collective action, and expand social capital.
Publication Intergenerational Community Building: Resource Guide
This guide is designed for community leaders, organizations, funders and intermediaries who are interested in using an intergenerational approach to community building efforts.
Publication Leadership for All Ages: Generations Working Together to Strengthen Communities Curriculum
The Leadership for All Ages training is designed to leverage the rich assets of residents at all stages of life, and intentionally breaks out of age-specific “silos” that create artificial barriers between generations. The curriculum can be used for a stand-alone training, or exercises and tips from different modules can be added to existing training curriculum to encourage intergenerational interaction and connection.
Publication Strengthening Intergenerational Bonds in Immigrant and Refugee Communities
This report presents four case studies that highlight recruitment strategies, key intergenerational activities, challenges, and outcomes for fostering intergenerational connections in immigrant and refugee communities. The report concludes with a summary of promising practices, benefits, and recommendations for practitioners.
Publication Friendship Across Cultures Program Replication Manual
This replication manual is designed for community-based organizations and refugee resettlement agencies interested in harnessing the skills and talents of retired women and refugee women to build welcoming relationships and support the long-term integration of refugees into American communities.
Publication Community Treasures: Recognizing the Contributions of Older Immigrants and Refugees
The purpose of this report is to gain a better understanding of why and how older immigrants contribute to their families and communities and to identify promising practices that support the engagement of immigrant elders in meaningful roles.
Publication Growing Older in a New Land: Understanding Healthy Aging and Intergenerational Relationships in Immigrant and Refugee Families
This report presents a brief review of background literature, shares key findings from focus-group interviews conducted with three ethno-linguistic communities, and discusses conclusions and recommendations for ethnic-based and aging service organizations, researchers and policy makers.
Publication Patient Listening: Healthy Communication Needs of Older Immigrants
The report examines communication breakdowns that occur as immigrant elders schedule appointments, communicate with healthcare providers, and deal with medical bills and insurance coverage.
Publication Open Doors, Open Hearts: A Guide to Bringing Long-Term Care Residents and Young People Together
Open Doors, Open Hearts is a practical guide designed to help long-term care facilities and schools and youth organizations form partnerships and create intergenerational programs.
The Elder Mentor Handbook
The handbook contains information for elder mentors about their role as mentor, the needs of youth today, and tips on effective mentoring.