Watch the recording.
Generations United was honored to take part in “Strengthening Support for Grandfamilies during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond”, a hearing before the Senate Special Committee on Aging led by Chairman Bob Casey (D-PA) and Ranking Member Tim Scott (R-SC). Generations United Executive Director Donna Butts spoke about the importance of providing tangible supports for grandfamilies and kinship caregivers, particularly after the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Butts was joined by GRANDVoice Gail Engel, a grandmother caring for her disabled grandson in Colorado; Ruth Stevens, a grandmother raising her grandson in Pennsylvania and; Kim Clifton, Executive Director of Helping and Lending Outreach Support (HALOS), an organization that provides services and supports to grandfamilies in South Carolina.
Watch the hearing here. The hearing begins at minute 16 of the recording.