
Robyn & Jack

Food Insecurity


“I am in the same position as many other caregivers in this country”

“I am a caregiver for my grandson, who is nine years old, and my 69-year-old mother, who suffers from dementia. I do not receive assistance of any kind, however, my mother receives SNAP. Her benefits have recently been reduced to $27 a month. She can buy two loaves of bread and 2 gallons of milk and maybe some bananas with her benefits. I am in the same position as many other caregivers in this country. I struggle with my household expenses, whatever my grandson needs and now I must assist my mother with her expenses since she can no longer work.”

– Robyn, Grandmother, Oklahoma



“All little boys should have families that love them.”

“I love my family and they love me. We will all be together forever and no on will be sick or get dead.  My grandmother will pat my back to put me to sleep even when I am old.  All little boys should have families that love them.  That’s all.”

– Jack, Age 9

“I don’t really like vegetables but people need them to be healthy and safe.”

“I want to work hard when I grow up to buy a farm & ranch.  My grandmother and grandfather will live there and we will raise bulls and grow vegetables.  I don’t really like vegetables but people need them to be healthy and safe.”

– Jack, Age 9


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The artwork displayed represents the unique perspectives of individual artists and may not necessarily reflect the views of Generations United. Its purpose is to encourage conversation and share personal insights. Permission from Generations United is required for the reproduction and distribution of the artwork.