
Latino Grandfamilies: Helping Children Thrive Through Connection to Culture and Family

New tool elevates cultural strengths and helps organizations better support families


Download the toolkit

Download the toolkit in Spanish

Download the tip sheet 

View the recording of the release event

Evaluation Surveys – Generations United is currently evaluating this toolkit’s impact and efficacy. Please read the toolkit and then complete the following relevant survey:

Survey for Caregivers

Survey for Organizations

During the past several decades, political unrest, economic conditions, U.S. intervention, wars, environmental disasters, and violence in Latin American countries have propelled millions of individuals to seek a more secure life for themselves and their families in the United States. The arrival of immigrants and their U.S. born children has been a major component of Latino population growth and diversity. Culturally appropriate services are needed to support Latino families as they navigate kinship care placements, which appeal to the family system fundamental to Latino culture.

This toolkit provides cultural context and concrete recommendations to fill a critical gap to help organizations and individuals across the country enhance their understanding and skills to help children and caregivers in grandfamilies thrive. The concrete tools include:

  • Information on the diversity of Latinos and how to serve them with cultural competence that leverages their many strengths
  • The benefits and strengths of preserving and restoring cultural identity
  • Practice and policy recommendations for addressing systemic racism and biases that limit existing support to Latino grandfamilies and the children they raise