What is PIE?
PIE was a pilot project that took place in the Glenmount Elementary and Middle School of Baltimore that encouraged parents and grandparents to be engaged in the education of their children by working as equal partners with the school in developing a family involvement policy and using that policy to help improve their children’s education. The pilot resulted in a guide to help parents, grandparents, and school staff in other schools to replicate the project in their schools.
Why is this project important?
Not only does federal law (Title I) require opportunities for parents and family members to be partners with schools, but studies have also shown that when families are involved in their children’s education, their grades, attendance, and likelihood to graduate and go to college all increase.
Is there a special role for grandparents in this project?
Yes, this project was called Grand Partners in Education because it recognized the important role that grandparents can play in their grandchild’s education, whether they are part-time or full-time caregivers of their grandchildren or provide other types of support to them. Grandparents can be critical leaders and advocates who actively encourage parents and other family members to be involved in their children’s education. The PIE working group at Glenmount Elementary and Middle School was guided by a steering committee made up of grandparents and parents as well as project and school staff. The grandparent leaders were critical to the success of the project.
What is the timeline for the project?
The project was divided into four stages.
Stage 1: Develop a plan of development for the family involvement policy. (completed in Summer of 2014)
Stage 2: Create and approve a jointly developed family involvement policy. (September 2014- February 2015).
Stage 3: Following approval, staff and family members will implement the family involvement plan and use it to develop a school program plan. (February 2015 – Dec. 2015.)
Stage 4: Continued implementation and assessment of the parent involvement policy and school program plan. Release of the PIE guide and report. (Dec. 2015-March 2016).
The PIE project has concluded as of April 2016. The project resulted in a guide to help parents, grandparents, and school staff in other schools to replicate the project in their schools.
How can I get involved?
If you are interested in learning more about this project to consider implementing it in your school, contact Annette Saunders.
Consult our Family Engagement Toolkit for tips on building family engagement in your school.
Who is a part of PIE?
PIE was a collaboration among Generations United, the Center for Law and Education, the Grandfamilies PTSA, and parents, grandparents, and staff of Glenmount Elementary and Middle School. The long-term goal of PIE was to expand the model to other schools and involve parents, grandparents, and school staff across Baltimore.
Newsletter Listing
Project Description
Educational Consent Laws Brief
State of Grandfamilies Report
Generations United’s Seniors4Kids Initiative
Grandfamilies PTSA
Center for Law and Education
National Parent Teacher Association
Glenmount Elementary & Middle School
Family Engagement Toolkit