News Article

Senior Fellows Program

Purpose:  To engage seasoned, accomplished professionals that have left or are leaving full-time professional employment to assist in accomplishing the work of Generations United; to provide opportunities for senior professionals with expertise relevant to the work and current needs of the organization as they transition, to contribute their expertise, energy, wisdom, and committed service to the work of Generations United. 


  • Individuals transitioning from full-time professional employment who are still seeking to contribute (skills, knowledge, etc.)
  • Individuals willing and able accept this pro bono position, with the possibility of payment if the individual and Generations United are successful in securing funding for a given project (note:  funding is not guaranteed)
  • Individuals familiar with and supportive of Generations United’s history, work and direction and willing to uphold and advance the work and reputation of GU
  • Individuals with expertise and experience that align with the mission, work and needs of Generations United
  • Individuals who are mission-driven, strategic, results-oriented and methodical
  • Individuals who are self-directed (but not completely autonomous); who are collaborators and team players
  • Individuals willing and able to dedicate time and energy to agreed-upon assignments
  • Individuals willing and able to augment and mentor staff and contribute thinking outside the box
  • Individuals willing to enjoy and contribute to other’s work on common interests
  • Individuals willing and able to attend to their own clerical and administrative needs for the most part; and willing to pitch in with staff when circumstances call for it (e.g., preparing for or promoting an event)
  • In most instances, individuals with the ability to Assess, Conceptualize, Resource and Execute.  [Assess an issue, opportunities and options; Conceptualize from planning to action; Resource—know what human, financial and organizational resources may be called for and know how to access resources, including funding for their agreed-upon project; and Execute (implement.)] 

Place in the Organization:  As the title, Senior Fellow, suggests this is an honored and respected position in the organization.  Fellows are a complement to staff but are not employees.  They are expected, however, to uphold the professional standards and culture of the organization, to collaborate with staff as their work necessarily entails, and to coordinate their workload and needs with staff and administration.  Senior Fellows also participate in a group of their peers (other Senior Fellows), a group which meets regularly with the Executive Director.

Each Senior Fellow reports to and collaborates with a designated member of the management team.  Fellows may be invited to attend Board and other meetings beyond the circle of fellows and staff, but he/she may reach out to Board members and other entities only as authorized in advance for specific project-related purposes.  Otherwise, a Senior Fellow is welcome to identify his/her association with Generations United but not to represent or make pronouncements or commitments for the organization except as called upon or agreed to by the member of management to which he/she reports.

Assignments:  If an individual meets the qualifications cited above and Generations United identifies the need and ability to serve as a Senior Fellow, Generations United and the chosen or prospective Fellow will jointly explore finding the nexus between the organization’s needs at the time and the individual’s talents and interests.  The intent is to ensure that there is added value to the organization and a desirable and challenging opportunity for the Fellow.  Assignments typically take the form of the development, pursuit and implementation of an agreed upon project or initiative but may take other forms as well, dependent on the current needs of Generations United and the interests and talents of a given individual.  Seeking outside funding is often a part of projects Fellows undertake.

Term of Fellowship:  The length of a senior fellowship may vary.  A year is assumed with a joint assessment at the halfway point to determine fit and progress.  Then there shall be an assessment at the end of one year and annually for Fellows that serve multiple years.  A senior fellowship may be ended by either party with at least two-weeks’ notice.

If interested, send a message of 500 words maximum to indicating what kind of contribution you might be interested in making to the work of Generations United and what relevant competencies you would bring to organization.  Please attach a copy of a current resume.