Intergenerational Program Database

Generations United collects and shares information on intergenerational programs across the United States. We currently have a program in every state with over 800 programs in the database. You can search programs below by keywords or state.

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  1. Volunteers for Community Impact
    Volunteers for Community Impact sponsors the Foster Grandparent Program, RSVP, and VCI Cyber-Seniors throughout Central Florida, allowing adults ages 55 and older to connect with young people through a variety of sources. The Foster Grandparent Program and RSVP create the opportunity for adults ages 55 and over to volunteer as little as 30 minutes up to 25 hours every week with special needs and at risk youth helping them learn to read, and stay on target for graduation. VCI Cyber-Seniors connects adults with a young mentor who teaches them how to reconnect to their friends, family, and community through technology. Be a Hero... Volunteer!
    • Foster Grandparent Program, RSVP, and VCI Cyber-Seniors
    • 3545 Lake Breeze Drive, Orlando, FL, 32808
    • Charlotte Merritt
    • 4072984180
    • volunteer[at]
  2. Foster Kinship
    When children can’t be with their parents, they should be with their family. Foster Kinship is a local nonprofit exclusively focused on serving kinship families and the over 19,000 children in kinship care in Nevada. To improve outcomes for children in kinship care, Foster Kinship empowers kinship caregivers to provide the safest, most stable and permanent placements for the children in their home. Foster Kinship provides three free programs for kinship caregivers: support, advocacy and case management. By helping to “keep home in the family” for these vulnerable children, Foster Kinship envisions a safe and healthy childhood for ALL children in kinship care.
    • 317 S 6th Street, Las Vegas, NV, 89101
    • Ali Caliendo
    • (702)546-9988
    • Ali[at]
  3. Skokie School District 73.5
    Our Grandfriends Intergenerational Volunteer Program is one of the longest, continuously operating, school-based intergenerational programs in Illinois. The program began in 1991. Our program matches local older adult volunteers with kindergarten-fifth grade classrooms. Volunteers, in collaboration with the classroom teachers, work with students in areas of reading, writing and math. Frequently Grandfriends share their own life experiences, which brings history to life. Additionally, volunteers have helped in the school office, the library and with the art and music teachers. We are a very culturally diverse community and our Grandfriends help students as they learn to communicate in English. Enduring relationships have developed between teachers, school staff and our wonderful volunteers. The volunteers love watching the children grow throughout the school year. Our Grandfriends often serve as "ambassadors at large," sharing the insights they have gained by being in the school throughout the wider community. Parents, students and school staff have all come to recognize and value the incredible resource our Grandfriends have become.
    • John Middleton School Grandfriends Intergenerational Volunteer Program
    • 8300 N. St. Louis, Skokie, IL, 60076
    • Carol Gottlieb
    • (847)676-8034
    • cgottlieb[at]
  4. Generations Adult Day Center
    Our program shares a building with a Head Start program that serves around 78 children. Throughout the year they come over and do projects with our seniors. We also have middle school and high school children to do service hours for their graduation requirements and they work directly with the seniors that attend our Adult Day Program. We have school-age children that work for us on a summer youth program to help their low-income families. Our program is the center of many generations and we are proud to say that our seniors of our rural community and also our youth benefit from coming together and learning lessons to take with them as they become important citizens of our country.
    • 1075 Blake St., Lemoore, CA, 93245
    • Pam Chin
    • (559)707-5992
    • pamdchin[at]
  5. Grands as Parents, Inc.
    Grands As Parents Inc. was founded in 1996 and is compromised of grandparent caregivers and relatives who have found themselves in parenting roles for their grandchildren (in some cases great children). These grandparents have been forced from the realm of retirement to become sole caretakers for these energetic and needy children. Grands As Parents provides support services and advocates for the rights of the heads of such families and is committed to providing assistance to these caregivers and their entire household for which they are responsible. GAPS is designed to address the special needs and concerns of the grandparents who have specific issues (whatever the reason) and who are temporary or permanent caretakers of their grandchildren, however, this is not a requirement for participation. This a non-profit organization is administrated by volunteers and has a board of directors. This organization willingly collaborates with other nonprofit community organizations in the concept that it takes a village to raise a child. GAPS provides the following services/ referrals - Crisis/Stress Management, Legal Services, Housing, Food, Clothing, Human Resources.
    • 2227 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19132
    • Eileen Brown
    • (215)236-5848
    • grandsasparents1[at]
  6. St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care-Bucyrus Campus
    This is a summer collaborative class including high school students from Milwaukee Public Schools and adult clients at St. Ann Center’s Bucyrus Campus. Together students and adults focus on creating art, utilizing technology, interviewing skills, and building relationships between generations. High school students introduce the adults to the basics of computer use and the Internet. In addition, they interview clients to gather life stories that are translated into art projects and memoir books which are given to each client participating in the program. The students get a chance to practice face-to-face communication with people from different cultures and generations. Adults get a chance to tell their life stories and share memories that serve has history lessons for the students. Keyword: Shared Site
    • Art Matters 2016
    • 2450 W. North Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, 53205
    • Diane Beckley
    • 414-210-2501
    • dbeckley[at]
  7. RSVP Portage County PAWS
    The innovative RSVP PAWS for Reading program began in October, 2003 and aims to improve the literacy skills of children. RSVP volunteers visit elementary schools classrooms with their own pets students take turns reading to the animal. Research shows that children with poor reading skills and low self-esteem are often more willing to interact with an animal than with another person. It has proven to be a motivator for children who are reluctant to practice reading with an adult. This program is also available to non-RSVP volunteers who have a Certified Pet Therapy dog.
    • 1519 Water Street, Stevens Point, WI,
    • Julie Rekowski, RSVP Intergenerational Coordinator
    • 715-346-1401
    • rekowskij[at]
  8. Clement Avenue School
    Clement Avenue students interacted with talented seniors at the spring Intergenerational Fair woodworking, staining…Milwaukee Public Schools.
    • 3666 S. Clement Avenue, Milwaukee, WI,
    • Suzanne Gahan, Principal
    • (414) 294-1500
    • 113[at]
  9. Hope & A Future
    Hope & A Future currently operate a licensed Adult Family Home for frail seniors with live in interegenerational staff. We sponsor activities open to the surrounding community--including a monthly pot-luck and house concerts, quilting and exercise groups. Attendee age range is infants to 100 year olds. Grounds, garden and construction volunteer opportunities brought over 300 people of all ages in 2015. We are activily working on plans to build housing for independent seniors and young families interested in mentoring and support. This development is for people interested in intentional community and includes shared green space and a community building offering intergenerational services and fun! Here everyone helps and is helped while living, playing, working and dying in community. Keyword: Shared Site
    • Staffed Intergenerational Community
    • 3440 S. High Point Rd, Madison, WI, 53719
    • Karin Krause
    • 6088310243
    • karin[at]
  10. RSVP Portage County Reading Tutor Program
    RSVP Reading Tutor program began in 1998 as a national initiative to ensure that every child reads well and independently by the end of third grade. Since the beginning, volunteers have been reading with first and second grade children in various schools. Most volunteers read with children for 90 minutes once a week. The attention of a caring volunteer results in students not only improving their reading scores on standardized tests, but also increasing their self-esteem as they become more confident readers.
    • 1519 Water Street, Stevens Point, WI,
    • 715-346-1401
    • rekowskij[at]
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