Intergenerational Program Database

Generations United collects and shares information on intergenerational programs across the United States. We currently have a program in every state with over 800 programs in the database. You can search programs below by keywords or state.

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  1. Providence Benedictine Nursing Center
    As part of Providence Benedictine Nursing Center, we partner together to provide an enriching intergenerational program that benefits the children and residents of the Providence Benedictine Nursing Center facilities. Licensed for 40 children, ages 6 weeks through 12 years, the center is open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and offers part-time and full-time options for families. Our highly educated teaching staff provides a nurturing curriculum that focuses on the whole child. Students have many opportunities for hands-on learning through books, art, music and cooking. The center’s developmental philosophy is compatible with research-based guidelines developed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, with attention to the holistic needs of the child, including intellectual, physical, social, emotional and creative development. Keyword: Shared Site
    • Providence Benedictine Child Care Center
    • 560 S. Main St, Mt. Angel, OR, 97362
    • Amber Tisdale
    • 503-845-2662
    • amber.tisdale[at]
  2. Bridge Meadows
    Bridge Meadows is an intentional intergenerational housing community in North Portland. Serving foster youth, adoptive parents, and low­‐income elders, Bridge Meadows cultivates permanence and family resilience through integrated onsite support services and therapeutic interventions. Children move from the instability of foster care placements to permanent homes and families. Adoptive families receive essential guidance and social support. Low‐income elders combat the deleterious health effects of social isolation by volunteering 100 hours/quarter in the community. Together, our three generations of residents transform individual vulnerability into collective strength, creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Keyword: Shared Site
    • 8502 N. Wayland Ave, Portland, OR,
    • Derenda Schubert
    • 503-953-1100
    • dschubert[at]
  3. Willson House Child Development Center
    Willson House Child Development Center is located on the same campus as Willson House Residential Care Facility and Jason Lee Manor Retirement Facility. Children and seniors will be together singing songs, telling stories, making crafts or participating in annual events like our Tea Party or Carnival. Seniors also frequent our classrooms to say hello, lead projects, or serve as volunteers. No matter what the interaction may be, the young and young at heart will be learning and growing, together.
    • 1625 Center Street, Salem, OR,
    • Kelly Scalise
    • 503-363-5812
    • kellys[at]
  4. Gentog Intergenerational Care
    Gentog is a Christian intergenerational daycare. We care for children ages 6 weeks through 6 years and we care for senior adults. While our two programs have their own unique space and staff, several times per day the groups come together in our "Family Room" to enjoy activities together. Keyword: Shared Site
    • 11535 SW Durham Rd #C5, Tigard, OR, 97224
    • 503-639-2600
    • info[at]
  5. OASIS Intergenerational Tutoring – Gresham-Barlow School District
    You can change a life by providing the individual attention that helps children build confidence and success. Opportunities are available in the Gresham Barlow School District and 18 other U. S. cities. OASIS volunteer tutors are paired with children in grades K-3 who would benefit from a one-on-one mentoring relationship. Tutors are trained to work with kids using a proven approach to literacy that emphasizes reading, talking and writing. They meet with their students at least once a week throughout the school year, providing a caring, supportive environment where reading and language activities, keyed to the child’s interests, spark curiosity and learning. Keyword: Shared Site
    • OASIS Intergenerational Tutoring
    • 1331 NW Eastham Parkway, Gresham, OR, 97030
    • Marilyn Shephard
    • 503-665-3544
    • msshephard[at]
  6. Geezer Gallery
    TGG is conducting an intergenerational arts program with the Siletz Tribe, being led by a graduate student at Oregon State University who works with executive director Amy Henderson in implementing a research arts program that pairs the elders of the Siletz Tribe with the youth in teaching the celebrated master basket and weaving methods of the tribe. Also Celebrating Portland–An Intergenerational Collaboration-A new exhibit at Artist Repertory Theatre's Geezer Gallery will examine just how Portland's unique charm manifests itself on the canvases of 13 local artists, ranging from 20-somethings to octogenarians.
    • 1515 SW Morrison St,, Portland,, OR, 97205
    • Amy Henderson
    • 503-347-0734
    • contact[at]